Type of sample/quantity required: least 0.5 ml of serum Tubes with separating gel are not recommended. Haemolytic samples must strictly be avoided. Plasma concentrations of potassium bromide may take 3 to 6 months to reach constant equilibrium. When starting therapy on a maintenance dose (40 mg/kg), it is normally recommended that the first measurement takes place after 3 months. If treatment is stared on the loading dosage (600 mg/kg), the initial measurement should be made after one week (to assess the results of the loading dose), and after one month (to assess the level reached after switching to maintenance). Since the drug has a long half-life, plasma levels can be assessed at any time of the day, regardless of the time of administration of the bromide.

Storage/shipping methods: serum must be stored and shipped at refrigeration temperature;

Reception days: every day from Monday to Saturday;
Examination/reporting days: every day from Monday to Saturday;
Waiting times: reports are issued on the same day as the samples are received.